31, 2025
Check-in: 8:00 AM
Walk Start: 10:00 AM
Walk Start: 10:00 AM
Why We Walk
Register for This Event
It takes a lot of people to make our events happen. Will you help?
Top Participants
1 -
Kate Glasser ($515.00)
2 - Donna Kato ($206.00)
3 - Scott Marsell ($150.00)
4 - Dawn Gargano ($103.00)
5 - Patricia Meyers-Kita ($100.00)
6 - Laura Weizeorick ($100.00)
7 - Regina Lorenzen ($100.00)
8 - Tate Albers ($51.50)
9 - Alexis Leitgeb ($51.50)
10 - Cindy Almassey ($51.50)
11 - Hale Albers ($51.50)
12 - Kendra Albers ($51.50)
13 - Adrienne Guldin ($0.00)
14 - BBTestUser2 BBTestUser22 ($0.00)
15 - Karen Bickel ($0.00)
16 - Robert Johnson ($0.00)
17 - Frank Gargano ($0.00)
18 - John Shanks ($0.00)
19 - Samantha Courter ($0.00)
20 - Blackbaud Test ($0.00)
2 - Donna Kato ($206.00)
3 - Scott Marsell ($150.00)
4 - Dawn Gargano ($103.00)
5 - Patricia Meyers-Kita ($100.00)
6 - Laura Weizeorick ($100.00)
7 - Regina Lorenzen ($100.00)
8 - Tate Albers ($51.50)
9 - Alexis Leitgeb ($51.50)
10 - Cindy Almassey ($51.50)
11 - Hale Albers ($51.50)
12 - Kendra Albers ($51.50)
13 - Adrienne Guldin ($0.00)
14 - BBTestUser2 BBTestUser22 ($0.00)
15 - Karen Bickel ($0.00)
16 - Robert Johnson ($0.00)
17 - Frank Gargano ($0.00)
18 - John Shanks ($0.00)
19 - Samantha Courter ($0.00)
20 - Blackbaud Test ($0.00)
Top Teams
1 -
Do it for Debbie ($515.00)
2 - We Love Cheri Lee ($251.50)
3 - BILL'S CREW ($206.00)
4 - Team Shark Cave ($154.50)
5 - Scoots for the ALS cure ($150.00)
6 - Wappelhorsts Wish for a Cure ($103.00)
7 - TEAM RITA ($100.00)
8 - Ely GNO Cheers for a Cure ($51.50)
2 - We Love Cheri Lee ($251.50)
3 - BILL'S CREW ($206.00)
4 - Team Shark Cave ($154.50)
5 - Scoots for the ALS cure ($150.00)
6 - Wappelhorsts Wish for a Cure ($103.00)
7 - TEAM RITA ($100.00)
8 - Ely GNO Cheers for a Cure ($51.50)